Hurricane Harvey Relief Drive Happening in Millbrook

I-92 WLWI is teaming up with American Legion Post 133 in Millbrook for a Hurricane Harvey relief drive.

Our neighbors all around the Houston and South Texas area have been hit hard with historic flooding, pushing so many out of their homes. We can show our love by supporting this local supply drive happening through Saturday. All of our donations will be loaded into a truck to be delivered next Tuesday.

Here’s the info on where the relief drive will be happening:
Winn Dixie
Highway 14
Millbrook, AL
Donations accepted daily 2PM-8PM through Friday (September 1st), and on Saturday (September 2nd) through 2PM

Here’s a list of items need now:
Hand sanitizer
Dry foods
Baby Supplies (diapers, formula, wipes, etc…)
Gently used clothing (all sizes)

A special thanks to American Legion Post 133 in Millbrook for quickly stepping up to help those need.


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